The one thing you must do to win in the marketplace.
"Let's start at the very beginning. A very good place to start. When you read you begin with ABC. When you sing you begin with Do, Re, Mi... " Rodgers & Hammerstein, "The Sound of Music - Do-Re-Mi" There is great wisdom found in unlikely places, like in a simple...
The truth about "The Motivation Myth"
You've heard of it, seen it in movies, and probably had it espoused to you during more than one motivational speech. A stroke of genius, insight and inspiration strikes like a lightening bolt and suddenly your hero is propelled from mired down indecision to amped up,...
Building Entrepreneurial Strategy in a Corporate Setting
Well, that was fun. I'm thinking back on my conversation with my good friend and colleague Dr. Brandi Plunkett, executive director of the Center for Executive Development at Texas A&M's Mays Business School. Brandi is one of those people who is really sharp and...
The one reason there will always be opportunity in the market
"All the shine of a thousand spotlights All the stars we steal from the night sky Will never be enough Never be enough Towers of gold are still too little These hands could hold the world but it'll Never be enough Never be enough" Never Enough, from The Greatest...
Thinking Strategically in a Not-for-Profit Setting
Not-for-profit management is a complex business...and often with very high stakes. In many ways, these organizations have a more complicated value proposition than their for-profit counterparts. It's not only about providing service to a client base. These...
How to succeed in business? Think.
"Now there you are; Yes, there's that face, That face that somehow I trust. It may embarrass you to hear me say it, But say it I must, say it I must: You have the cool, clear Eyes of a seeker of wisdom and truth; Yet there's that upturned chin And that grin of...
V-REEL™ Your Start-Up for Success
I met Nick Mastronardi about two and half years back when he was pitching his then fledging company at a competition here in Bryan, TX. In the years since, Nick and I have had regular conversations about the progress of POLCO and he's become familiar with V-REEL™...
Key Enablers for Successful Entrepreneurship
Jared Moore stumbled across a golden brick, and he was smart enough to pick it up. That was a few years back during his college days when, while playing in a country western band, Jared noticed an opportunity in the market and decided to fill it. He established a...